Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Wed. March 17 - Dr. Scott Shane on Franchise Interviews

Dr. Scott Shane Meets Franchise Interviews on BlogTalkRadio.com Wednesday, March 17 at 10AM EST.

Dr. Shane discusses his fascinating book, "Born Entrepreneurs, Born Leaders: How Your Genes Affect Your Work Life."

Scott Shane has written a fascinating account of how our inherited DNA influences our work life. "This book is about more than our genes - it's about what our genes can tell us about ourselves." - Dean Hamer, Molecular Biologist and author of "The Science of Desire, Living With Our Genes" and "The God Gene."

"This book is a great read for anyone interested in the exciting new world of genetics. Focusing on job choices and workplace behavior, it shows what genetics can offer employers, employees, parents and students alike." - Tim Spector, MD, Professor of Genetic Epidemiology and Directo of TwinsUK, Kings College London, and author of "Your Genes Unzipped."

"Scott Shane has done a masterful job in taking difficult and sophisticated scientific findings and translating them into readable and comprehensive terms and implications." - Richard D. Avery, noted behavioral geneticist and Chair of the Management and Organization Department, University of Singapore.

Come join Marty and Don as they interview this dynamic author.

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BlogTalkRadio.com from 10AM to 11AM EST (7PM-8PM PT) or listen to the archived shows 24 hours per day, 7 days per week at http://www.franchiseinterviews.com

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